RE: subversion 1.6.2 (svn+https) copy/commit "Could not read status line: Secure connection truncated"
From: Johan Corveleyn <>
Date: Thu, 2 Jul 2009 10:06:52 +0200
> Hi,
You provide a vast amount of information, which is fine from a debugging point of view, but which does make it difficult for others to quickly focus on the potential issue during "drive-by-mailinglist-reading".
Also, you seem to have quite a complex setup (load-balancing reverse proxy etc). I'd recommend the standard problem-solving approach: start with something very simple (e.g. just the simplest http(s) example from the SVN book) and see if it works. Then work your way up, step by step, checking if it still works at every step. That way, you have at least a chance of pinpointing which component breaks the setup.
Or the other way around: start taking away complexity until you get it working. Maybe your setup worked fine for years, and just started breaking after adding ... to the httpd config, or after changing the low-level network config of machine/proxy/router X?
If I would have to make a "best guess", I'd say the load-balancing stuff is the prime suspect at the moment ...
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