Subversion with Apache permission denied
From: Whos The JBoss <>
Date: Tue, 30 Jun 2009 06:06:29 -0700 (PDT)
I have just installed Subversion and connected it with Apache. When I
<Location /svn>
I can access my all of my repos anonymously.
However, if I delete this and add just this location so that only one of my repos is available and with authentication required:
<Location /svn/myrepo>
When I visit localhost/svn/myrepo I am prompted for a password. If
So, I can hit svn/myrepo anonymously, but when using auth I can't.
If I try:
svn list http://localhost/svn/myrepo I get:
svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/svn/myrepo'
The owner of my srv/svn is apache.apache
Any help here would be great, thanks!!!
I am running Apache 2.2. on CentOS 5.3
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