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RE: how to add a group and exclude the group in path-based authorization?

From: Geir Engebakken <geir.engebakken_at_edb.com>
Date: Wed, 17 Jun 2009 10:44:14 +0200

Seems the access rules are a bit confusing, what I eventually ended up with was something like this :


~path1 =

~somearea2 =

I found that the notation ~group, sets accesses to all other users than members of the group, effectively giving them no access. I also found that all users needed r access to the root of the repos to be able to tag!

This scheme seems to work, but someone with the knowledge should write a more definite guide on these accesses, they are not easily understood!

(also I just noticed the ~notation by reading through the code to try and understand more of access rights, couldn't find it documented elsewhere)

From: baz themail [mailto:bazthemail_at_gmail.com]
Sent: 17. juni 2009 03:25
To: users_at_subversion.tigris.org
Subject: how to add a group and exclude the group in path-based authorization?


If I have two existing repos in my svn server that is already managed using path-based authorization. If I want to add a group and then restrict the group 's access to certain part of the repo1, then what should i do? I listed the exsiting contents of svnaccessfile.

I tried to put "@contractors = " in [/] section under "* = rw" but it will not work, why? I thought this is the right location since i would like to shut off all access for group contractors to all repos.

I tried to put "@contractors = " in a new section called [repo1:/], it works. Is this restriction only apply to local "section"? If i have 100 repos, then is that mean i have to do them all?

Thanks. A.


admins = admin1, admin2
contractors = contractor1, contractor2


* = rw


* = r
@admins = rw


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