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Shell script to make or restore backups of repositories

From: Martijn Ras <Martijn.Ras_at_GMail.com>
Date: Mon, 15 Jun 2009 15:07:30 +0200

Heya Folks,

I've been using the following script for backing up Subversion repositories at
home and in a number of different organizations for quite some time now and
want to share it in the hope it might be useful for some of you.

It will pick up all Subversion repositories under the directory one specifies
and write the svnadmin dump output to a mktemp generated directory by default,
or the directory one specifies. Backups will be created as either full or
incremental backups based on the subcommand one specifies. The subcommand
restore takes a backup and restores it under the directory one specifies.

It also be configured to run as a cron job.

In case the repositories or backups need their ownership set to a specific user
or group simply specify these in the appropriate variable.



# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (C) 2007 Martijn Ras
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Set the following variables if you do not want to specify them on
the command line.

# All repositories under this directory will be backed up.

# All backups will be written into this directory (defaults to a
mktemp generated directory).

# The default subcommand to be performed (defaults to 'help', except
when run from a cron directory where it defaults to 'full').

# The name of the user and group to be set as the owner of the backups.
# This might be necessary to have the items packed up by an archiving tool.

# The name of the user and group to be set as the owner of the repositories.
# When run as root in a cron job it might be necessary to reset the ownership.

# check_commands ()
# Checks the existence of the specified commands.
# Parameters:
# @) A space separated list of all commands of which to check the existence.
function check_commands () {
        for COMMAND in "$@"
                execute_command "which '${COMMAND}'" "Cannot find: ${COMMAND}!"

# error ()
# Print the specified error message and exit the program.
# Parameters:
# 1) The error message to print before exiting the program.
function error () {
        echo -e "\nERROR:\n\n$1\n" 2> /dev/null
        exit 1

# execute_command ()
# Execute a command and print an error message if needs be.
# Parameters:
# 1) The command to execute.
# 2) The error message to print if needs be.
function execute_command () {
        sh -c "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1
        if test $? -ne 0
                error "$2"

# make_directories ()
# Make the directories specified.
# Parameters:
# 1) An array with the directories to make.
function make_directories () {
        for DIRECTORY in "$@"
                if ! test -d "${DIRECTORY}"
                        execute_command "mkdir --parents '${DIRECTORY}'" "Failed to make
directory: ${DIRECTORY}!"

# processsubcommand ()
# Works out which subcommand was specified on the command line or sets
the default.
# Parameters:
# 1) The subcommand specified on the command line.
function processsubcommand () {
        if test "$1" = 'full' -o "$1" = 'f'
        elif test "$1" = 'help' -o "$1" = 'h' -o "$1" = '?'
        elif test "$1" = 'incremental' -o "$1" = 'i' -o "$1" = 'incr'
        elif test "$1" = 'list' -o "$1" = 'l' -o "$1" = 'ls'
        elif test "$1" = 'restore' -o "$1" = 'r' -o "$1" = 'rest'
                if test "${0:0:9}" == '/etc/cron'
                elif test -z "${SUBCOMMAND}"
# processsubcommandparameters ()
# Works out which parameters have been specified for the subcommand.
# Parameters:
# *) Depended on the subcommand specified.
function processsubcommandparameters () {
        if test "${SUBCOMMAND}" = 'full' -o "${SUBCOMMAND}" = 'incremental'
                if test -n "$2"
                elif test -n "$1"
                if test -z "${BACKUPDIRECTORY}"
                        BACKUPDIRECTORY="$(mktemp -d)"
                        if test $? -ne 0
                                error "Failed to create temporary directory for backup!"
                make_directories "${BACKUPDIRECTORY}"
        elif test "${SUBCOMMAND}" = 'help'
        elif test "${SUBCOMMAND}" = 'list'
        elif test "${SUBCOMMAND}" = 'restore'
                if test -n "$2"
                elif test -n "$1"

# processparameters ()
# Processes all parameters specified on the command line.
# Parameters:
# @) The parameters specified on the command line.
function processparameters () {
        processsubcommand "$@"
        processsubcommandparameters "$@"

# remove_tempfile ()
# Remove a temporary file used by the program.
# Parameters:
# None
function remove_tempfile () {
        if test -n "${TEMPFILE}" -a -f "${TEMPFILE}"
                execute_command "rm '${TEMPFILE}'" "\nERROR:\n\nFailed to remove
temporary file: ${TEMPFILE}!"

# tempfile ()
# Create a new temporary file for use by the program.
# Parameters:
# None
function tempfile () {
        TEMPFILE="$(mktemp -q -t 2> /dev/null)"
        if test $? -ne 0
                error "Failed to create temporary file!"

# usage ()
# Prints the usage information.
function usage () {
        echo 'usage:'
        echo ''
        if test "${SUBCOMMAND}" = 'full' -o "${SUBCOMMAND}" = 'f'
                echo ' SubversionBackup f <subversionroot> <backupdirectory>'
                echo ' SubversionBackup full <subversionroot> <backupdirectory>'
                echo ''
                echo 'SubversionBackup will create full backups of all repositories
under subversionroot in the backupdirectory.'
        elif test "${SUBCOMMAND}" = 'incremental' -o "${SUBCOMMAND}" = 'i' -o
"${SUBCOMMAND}" = 'incr'
                echo ' SubversionBackup i <subversionroot> <backupdirectory>'
                echo ' SubversionBackup incr <subversionroot> <backupdirectory>'
                echo ' SubversionBackup incremental <subversionroot> <backupdirectory>'
                echo ''
                echo 'SubversionBackup will create incremental backups of all
repositories under the subversionroot in the backupdirectory.'
        elif test "${SUBCOMMAND}" = 'list' -o "${SUBCOMMAND}" = 'l' -o
"${SUBCOMMAND}" = 'ls'
                echo ' SubversionBackup l <subversionroot>'
                echo ' SubversionBackup ls <subversionroot>'
                echo ' SubversionBackup list <subversionroot>'
                echo ''
                echo 'SubversionBackup will list all repositories under the subversionroot.'
        elif test "${SUBCOMMAND}" = 'restore' -o "${SUBCOMMAND}" = 'r' -o
"${SUBCOMMAND}" = 'rest'
                echo ' SubversionBackup r <subversionroot> <backup>'
                echo ' SubversionBackup rest <subversionroot> <backup>'
                echo ' SubversionBackup restore <subversionroot> <backup>'
                echo ''
                echo 'Restores a backup, created by svnadmin dump, of a subversion
repository under the subversionroot.'
                echo ' SubversionBackup [subcommand] <subversionroot>
                echo ''
                echo 'Type "SubversionBackup help <subcommand>" for help on a
specific subcommand.'
                echo ''
                echo 'SubversionBackup will either create backups of all
repositories under the subversionroot in the backupdirectory or
restore a backup in the subversionroot.'
                echo ''
                echo 'Available subcommands:'
                echo ' full (f)'
                echo ' help (h, ?)'
                echo ' incremental (i, incr)'
                echo ' list (l, ls)'
                echo ' restore (r, rest)'
        echo ''

check_commands 'basename' 'bzip2' 'chown' 'date' 'dirname' 'find'
'head' 'ls' 'mkdir' 'mktemp' 'sed' 'sort' 'svnadmin' 'svnlook' 'wc'

processparameters "$@"

START=$(date +%s)
if test $? -ne 0

execute_command "umask 077" "Failed to set umask!"

if test "${ROOTDIRECTORY: -1}" != '/'

if test "${SUBCOMMAND}" = 'restore'
        REPOSITORY="${ROOTDIRECTORY}$(basename "${BACKUPFILE}" | sed
        if test $? -ne 0
                error "Failed to determine repository to restore!"
        echo "Restoring repository: ${BACKUPFILE} under ${REPOSITORY}"
        make_directories "$(dirname "${REPOSITORY}")"
        execute_command "svnadmin create '${REPOSITORY}'" "Failed to create
repository ${REPOSITORY}!"
        execute_command "bzip2 -dc '${BACKUPFILE}' | svnadmin load
'${REPOSITORY}'" "Failed to load backup (${BACKUPFILE}) into
repository ${REPOSITORY}!"
        if test -d "${ROOTDIRECTORY}"
                cd "${ROOTDIRECTORY}"
                echo 'Invalid default or specified subversionroot:'
                echo ''
                echo " ${ROOTDIRECTORY}"
                echo ''
                exit 1
        if test "${SUBCOMMAND}" = 'list'
                echo 'SubversionBackup will create backups of the following repositories:'
                echo ''
        for REPOSITORY in $(find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d | sed 's#\./##')
                if test -d "${REPOSITORY}" -a -f "${REPOSITORY}/format"
                        if test "${SUBCOMMAND}" = 'list'
                                echo " ${ROOTDIRECTORY}${REPOSITORY}"
                                echo "Starting ${SUBCOMMAND} backup of repository:"
                                echo -n " ${ROOTDIRECTORY}${REPOSITORY}"
                                if test "${SUBCOMMAND}" = 'incremental'
                                        LAST="$(ls ${BACKUPDIRECTORY}/${REPOSITORY}.backup.* 2>/dev/null
| sort --reverse | head --lines=1 | sed
                                        if test "${LAST}" = ''
                                HEAD="$(svnlook youngest "${REPOSITORY}")"
                                if test $? -ne 0
                                        error "Failed to determine youngest revision of repository ${REPOSITORY}!"
                                if test ${LAST} -lt ${HEAD}
                                        COMMAND="svnadmin dump --quiet"
                                        if test "${SUBCOMMAND}" = 'incremental'
                                                COMMAND="${COMMAND} --${SUBCOMMAND}"
                                        COMMAND="${COMMAND} --revision ${LAST}:${HEAD} ${REPOSITORY}"
                                        ${COMMAND} | bzip2 >
                                        if test $? -eq 0
                                                echo ' - SUCCEEDED'
                                                echo " - FAILED: range (${LAST}:${HEAD})"
                                elif test ${LAST} -gt ${HEAD}
                                        echo " - ERROR: Invalid range (${LAST}:${HEAD})"
                                        echo " - WARNING: Skipping ${SUBCOMMAND} backup of repository
                        if test "${SUBCOMMAND}" != 'list'
                                echo "Not a subversion repository: ${ROOTDIRECTORY}${REPOSITORY}" 1>&2
if test "${SUBCOMMAND}" != 'list'
        if test -n "${SUBVERSIONDIRECTORYUSER}"
                echo "Setting ownership of repositories to
                execute_command "chown --recursive
'${ROOTDIRECTORY}'" "Failed to set ownership of repositories to
        if test -n "${BACKUPDIRECTORYUSER}" -a "${SUBCOMMAND}" != 'restore'
                echo ''
                echo "Setting ownership of backups of repositories to
                execute_command "chown --recursive
"Failed to set ownership of backups of repositories to
        if test "${START}" != ''
                echo ''
                echo "SubversionBackup completed in $(($(date +%s) - ${START})) seconds"


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