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Re: Someone added new files to repository, how do I see them?

From: Eric <spamsink_at_internetsmallfry.com>
Date: Mon, 08 Jun 2009 12:19:17 -0400

At 12:02 PM 6/8/2009, Tyler Roscoe wrote:

>This list is for the Subversion command-line and libraries, not for
>TortoiseSVN. But:

Good afternoon, Tyler.

I tried installing the CollabNet command-line Subversion client for
Windows, and got the same effect.

>On Mon, Jun 08, 2009 at 06:35:59AM -0400, Eric wrote:
> > Somebody else added a bunch of files to the repository. Shouldn't I
> > be able to do an "Update" on the overall repository and get all those
> > new files? If that's not how it works, what is the accepted and
>Yes, this is usually how it works. Is this not what you are seeing?

That is not what I am seeing. The "update" (either from TSVN or from
the command-line svn) does not see or download any of the new files.

I had to blow away a whole directory out of my sandbox and then do an
"update" in order to get two new files that someone else had put in
that directory on the repository.

There was another, whole new directory of files. I had to blow away
the parent directory of that directory, in my sandbox, and then do an
"update" to get them.

This was a barely-useable workaround but did require that I knew
about the new files and where they were. I gained that knowledge by
doing a fresh checkout of the whole repository, in a new sandbox, and
then comparing the results with my working sandbox; that's the only
way I had to detect new files added.

Incidentally, when I blew away those directories and updated them in
my sandbox, it totally screws up the file dating, i.e. it dates all
the files with the current date and time. This is another issue
that's unrelated to the problem I reported, but it causes real
problems. This has been an issue since the early days of Subversion
and has been reported and complained about many times by many people
in many forums. I'm wondering (as an aside) if there are any plans
to try to fix that at some point.



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Received on 2009-06-08 18:21:42 CEST

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