Ryan Schmidt wrote:
> On Jun 2, 2009, at 07:46, J. Bakshi wrote:
>> I hope I have joined the right list to discuss with post-commit
>> problem.
> Yes, this is a great place to discuss hook scripts.
Hello Ryan,
Thanks for your kind attention.
>> I am running a clark-connect ( linux ) server ( kernel
>> 2.6.18-8) with subversion
>> `````````````````````````````````````````
>> svn --version
>> svn, version 1.4.6 (r28521)
>> compiled Dec 31 2007, 15:01:44
>> ``````````````````````````````````````
> You may want to consider upgrading to a more recent version of
> Subversion. The current version is 1.6.2.
I want to do it but as it is a clark connect server, there is still no
latest rpm available and as it is a development server I have made
myself slower to upgrade it manually from individual .rpm. I like to
solve the present hook problem first and then I'll go for up-gradation
by collecting .rpm from net.
>> I have just decided to use the post-commit hook to automatically
>> update the sites running on this server when ever there is a
>> commit. and
>> the problem has started. The apache server is running as
>> apache:apache
>> (user:group) combination. the repos have the same permission level as
>> well as the folders under htdocs.
>> To start the experiment I have created a repo with just a file called
>> newfile
>> Here is my post-commit script with 755 permission
>> ```````````````````````````
>> echo " svn post commit called "
>> /usr/bin/svn up /var/www/html/POSTCOMMIT
>> `````````````````````````````````````````
> Maybe you just didn't show it to us, but the first line of a hook
> script must be a line beginning with "#!" followed by the path to the
> interpreter that should be used to run the script. For example "#!/
> bin/bash".
yes it is already there.
#! /bin/sh
> I assume /var/www/html/POSTCOMMIT already exists, is a checkout of
> your repository, and every file and directory in it is owned by
> apache:apache?
yes, true. I actually created the /var/www/html/POSTCOMMIT and then
did a checkout inside it. after that I made the directory as apache:apache
>> checkout, accepting the certificate permanently etc.... are the
>> initial
>> stages I have to do. Now after modifying a file when I wanted to
>> commit
>> ; it reported back as
>> `````````````````````````````````````````````````
>> Sending newfile
>> svn: Commit failed (details follow):
>> svn: Your file or directory 'newfile' is probably out-of-date
>> svn: The version resource does not correspond to the resource
>> within the
>> transaction. Either the requested version resource is out of date
>> (needs to be updated), or the requested version resource is newer than
>> the transaction root (restart the commit).
>> ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````
> Doesn't sound related to the hook script. It just sounds like your
> file was out of date, a perfectly normal situation to have occur.
> "svn update" should resolve it.
>> So I deleted the file and updated
>> ```````````````````````````````````````````````````
>> rm newfile
>> rm: remove regular file `newfile'? y
>> [root_at_192 POSTCOMMIT]# svn up
>> Restored 'newfile'
>> U newfile
>> ````````````````````````````````````````````````````
> Removing newfile shouldn't have been necessary, but is fine if your
> intention was to discard the changes you had made to newfile.
>> But the newfile get the root:root permission ( as I'm logged in as
>> root)
> That sounds totally normal.
>> . So I changed the ownership and permission as I did at the begging (
>> apache:apache and permisiion 777 )
>> After modifying the file when I tried to commit it failed :-(
>> `````````````````````````````
>> Sending newfile
>> Transmitting file data .
>> Committed revision 20.
>> Warning: 'post-commit' hook failed with error output:
>> svn: Working copy '/var/www/html/POSTCOMMIT' locked
>> svn: run 'svn cleanup' to remove locks (type 'svn help cleanup' for
>> details)
>> ```````````````````````````````````
> It sounds like the working copy was locked, either because an svn
> command was still running on that working copy, or because one had
> been running and exited or was killed unexpectedly. If the former,
> wait for it to finish; if the latter, "svn cleanup" should resolve it.
>> It repeated again and again even after " svn cleanup". I also
>> tried
>> " chmod -R 777 .svn" once more but the same error.
> Please confirm: even after running "svn cleanup", running "svn
> update" tells you the working copy is locked? Is this only when
> running "svn update" from the hook script or also when running "svn
> update" from the command line?
"svn up" from command line is working well
[root_at_192 POSTCOMMIT]# vim newfile
[root_at_192 POSTCOMMIT]# svn commit -m "check 24" newfile
Sending newfile
Transmitting file data .
Committed revision 24.
Warning: 'post-commit' hook failed with error output:
svn: Working copy '/var/www/html/POSTCOMMIT' locked
svn: run 'svn cleanup' to remove locks (type 'svn help cleanup' for details)
[root_at_192 POSTCOMMIT]# svn cleanup
[root_at_192 POSTCOMMIT]# svn up newfile
At revision 24.
>> If I manually execute the post-commit script; it runs perfectly well
>> with the echo which I placed inside the script. I am really
>> confused and
>> no clue why the hook is not called properly. could any one kindly
>> help
>> me to fix the problem ?
> You're welcome to keep the echo in there, but note that that message
> will never appear to the client when Subversion runs the script as a
> hook script. Hook scripts only display to the client the output that
> was printed to stderr, not the output that was printed to stdout like
> your echo, and they only do this if the hook script exits with a non-
> zero code.
> Note also that hook scripts run in an empty environment. When you
> manually execute the hook script, it inherits the environment (PATH,
> etc.) from your shell and is thus not necessarily a good test. You
> can get closer by running the hook script through the env command to
> clear the environment:
> env -i ./post-commit /path/to/repo $REV
Ok, I have done it
env -i ./post-commit
svn post commit called
At revision 24.
> Note also that when you run the hook manually, it is running as your
> user, and in particular, a Subversion command running in the hook
> script is looking in your user's .subversion directory for settings,
> authentication caches, and so forth. When run as a hook script, it's
> running, in your case, as the apache user, so it's looking for
> a .subversion directory belonging to the apache user. One may not
> exist. If your apache user doesn't have a login shell (it usually
> doesn't) it may not even be possible for one to exist. You may need
> to tell the svn command to look at a specific config directory using
> the --config-dir option.
> Finally, you will want to know if an error occurs while running the
> svn up command. To facilitate this, I suggest you modify your "svn
> up" line as follows:
> /usr/bin/svn up /var/www/html/POSTCOMMIT || exit $?
Ok, I have updated the post-commit script with " || exit $? "
and now the commit reports the same error :-(
svn commit -m "25" newfile
Sending newfile
Transmitting file data .
Committed revision 27.
Warning: 'post-commit' hook failed with error output:
svn: Working copy '/var/www/html/POSTCOMMIT' locked
svn: run 'svn cleanup' to remove locks (type 'svn help cleanup' for details)
I also tried from a different machine ( first checkout and then modify a
file and then tried to commit ). And see the horrible error
svn commit -m "test" newfile
Sending newfile
Transmitting file data .
Committed revision 31.
Warning: 'post-commit' hook failed with error output:
Error validating server certificate for '':
- The certificate is not issued by a trusted authority. Use the
fingerprint to validate the certificate manually!
- The certificate hostname does not match.
Certificate information:
- Hostname: gateway.clarkconnect.lan
- Valid: from Jul 8 05:19:27 2008 GMT until Jul 6 05:19:27 2018 GMT
- Issuer: Typo3, Kolkata Infoservices Pvt Ltd, Kolkata, West Bengal, IN
- Fingerprint: 10:ea:91:68:4e:46:c8:71:5b:d6:98:db:38:2a:cb:12:b2:bd:61:15
(R)eject, accept (t)emporarily or accept (p)ermanently? svn: PROPFIND
request failed on '/repos/test'
svn: PROPFIND of '/repos/test': Server certificate verification failed:
certificate issued for a different hostname, issuer is not trusted
But surprisingly it has no problem to list the repo
svn list
I am very much confused now :-(
> This way, if "svn up" fails, the hook script will exit with the exit
> code of svn, and since svn will have printed something to stderr, you
> will see this message on the client.
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Received on 2009-06-04 08:09:59 CEST