On Jun 3, 2009, at 03:02, Mihai wrote:
> Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>> On Jun 3, 2009, at 01:20, Mihai wrote:
>>> I have a team of developers that need to dump their work on a
>>> windows srv2003 and download another repository from it. how to
>>> do this from windows`s cmd?
>> When you say "dump their work" are you talking about sending their
>> changes into the repository using the "svn commit" command? When
>> you say "download another repository" are you talking about
>> checking out a new working copy with the "svn checkout" command?
>> If not, I'm just having a really tough time understanding what
>> tasks you're trying to accomplish.
>> Are you already using Subversion successfully? Are you familiar
>> with the terminology? Have you read the Subversion Book at http://
>> svnbook.org/ to learn the commands that are available and the ways
>> in which Subversion is most often used?
> yes, this is exactly what I want to do
Ok, great, then those are the commands you would use. "svn checkout
<URL>" checks out a working copy from the repository at <URL>. You
make changes in that working copy, and when you're ready to send your
changes back to the repository, you type "svn commit". (You don't
type the URL on the commit command because Subversion remembers the
URL you checked out from.) When you're done with a working copy, you
can just use your usual OS commands to delete it. "svn help" and the
Subversion Book at http://svnbook.org/ have more information. If you
have more questions after reading those, do let us know.
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Received on 2009-06-03 10:41:12 CEST