I have repository A on machine A (openSuse 10), running svn 1.5.0.
Using "svnadmin dump /path/to/reposA > my.dump",
I created a dump file of the entire repository.
I copied the dump file to machine B (CentOS 5.3),
where I created a new repository B using svn 1.5.6.
Then I loaded the dump file using
"svnadmin load /path/to/reposB --use-pre-commit-hook --use-post-commit-hook
< my.dump"
Both the pre-commit & post-commit hooks I use are written in Python,
and both use "svnlook date ..." to get the timestamp of the commit.
Both also has debug logs, so I could see that:
1. In the pre-commit hook, "svnlook date repos_path -t txn_num" returned the
timestamp of the commit, as it appeared in repository A, as well as in
the dump file.
2. In the post-commit hook, "svnlook date repos_path -r rev_num" returned
current time of the machine!
Weirder still - once the loading was over, I looked at repository B log and
saw that
the commit timestamps are correct, and match repository A..!
I'm using Python 2.6.2.
Any ideas?
Itamar O.
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Received on 2009-06-02 22:42:19 CEST