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Re: Branched and non-branched work flows?

From: Theodore H. Smith <delete_at_elfdata.com>
Date: Mon, 1 Jun 2009 21:14:06 +0100

OK, let's try to explain this a bit better.

In our software, there are different bits of code.

Some are user interface. Some are sub-systems.

Now... as you can imagine, sub-systems are the kind of thing you
usually want to have the latest version of, at least if they have well
defined behaviours. There are behaviours that are simply wrong, or
that are simply right.

It's sort of like having the latest version of "libc" in your linux
app. If there's a fix in libc or a new feature to let it malloc
slightly more RAM or faster or access more file systems... you usually
want that newest "libc" in, even in an old release of the app.

So, let's say there is a "library" component to our web app that
should be updated on all branches.

Can that component alone be shared between branches? And be done
automatically? I mean svn should help us, not become an awkward tool.

Also, what about .htaccess files that must be different across the
same version, same branch, but we still actually need to track them
because they are complex?

Or maybe that .htaccess file problem could be solved by pulling out
the complex and server-consistant stuff and putting it into a file
that is called by .htaccess?


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Received on 2009-06-01 22:15:09 CEST

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