Sorry for the insufficient info..
The server side version is Subversion 1.6.2 (r37639).
1.5.6 is version of my local program.
I guess the config file with Neon and serf is refered to that on server
If so, I can't read or change it by any means..
Thanks for your patient!
阿里巴巴 B2B 中文站 社区部
手机: 15257106320
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阿里旺旺: kozz
发件人: Ryan Schmidt []
发送时间: 2009年6月1日 0:26
收件人: 高峰
主题: Re: 答复: could not connect to server (was: no subject)
>> Subversion 1.5.6 -- is that the client or the server? What's on
>> the other?
> It's a binary version on debian source. I used `apt-get' to install
> it. I
> think it contains both server and client, since I can both use
> `svnserve' to
> start the svn daemon process and `svn' to do client work.
Ok yes but you are running a Subversion client program and it is
connecting to a Subversion server program on a different computer,
yes? I was wanting to know which version of Subversion is in use at
both ends of the connection. You only told us "1.5.6" without telling
us whether that's 1.5.6 on the client end, where you're typing "svn
checkout", or 1.5.6 on the server end, where Apache is running.
>> Can you show us the Subversion setup in your Apache configuration
>> file?
> The server is not under my control.
>> Can others check out from this repository? Is the problem
>> localized to this
>> client?
> Yes, I can check out from this repository on another machine.
>> Is the client using neon or serf?
> Sorry... I don't know what the 'neon' and 'serf' is.
Neon and serf are the two libraries Subversion can use to connect to
a repository that is being served with Apache. Neon is the default
but you could try switching to serf to see if it makes a difference
or prints a different error message. The setting is in your
Subversion config file.
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Received on 2009-06-01 03:06:43 CEST