On May 18, 2009, at 06:00, Irfan Sayed wrote:
> ok. now i have resolved the error. what i have seen is that
> replication is only happening one way and not the two way. i can
> make the changes in both the repository but syncing is happening
> only in one way. if i make the changes in destination repository
> then thiose changes will not reflect in source repos.
> how should i configure so that two way replication is enabled so
> that whenever chnages happens in any repos. those changes shud go
> to other repos.
That's not what svnsync does. Svnsync is one-way replication, from a
single master to any number of slaves. Some organizations use this to
create read-only mirrors of their repositories, for clients who need
to see the contents of the repository but don't need to change it.
For example, SourceForge and other open-source hosting sites let
anyone read any project's repository, but only a handful of people
identified as that project's developers can commit changes.
If you want full read/write access on the slave, then you need to do
some additional setup. What you will really end up with is read-only
access to the slave, and if any write requests occur, they will be
transparently proxied back to the master, from which they will be
replicated back to the slave again. This is called the "write-through
proxy" feature; I'm not sure where the official documentation is but
this might help:
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Received on 2009-05-18 14:47:46 CEST