RE: multiple --reintegrate(s) when no more downstream merges occur
From: Bob Archer <>
Date: Wed, 13 May 2009 16:04:17 -0400
> now, i understand the need to svn rm B, and recreate it. however, here is my question.
You can also record a merge from trunk back to B so you can continue using the branch.
>that there will be no more downstream merges from A -> B. is that reasonable, or is there some danger i should know about?
If you do a re-integrate and you haven't merged from A -> B then when you merge back to A you (if I understand correctly) could loose stuff that you have added to A. Because the merge will not see those changes in the branch and assume the need to be removed from A. If that makes sense?
Hmm.. I tried to create a sample for this and was getting tree conflicts. Strange. I'm gonna post about that.
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