On Apr 28, 2009, at 10:42, J. Norment wrote:
> I'm having difficulties with characters that are sneaking into the
> repository (file names and directory names) that are causing
> svnsync to fail because it can't copy the file / directory. In one
> case, it seems obvious enough, but in another, I can't tell what is
> in the repo that is causing the failure.
> I have found svndumptool, as I saw the word "sanitize", but the
> definition it provides in the readme leaves me scratching my head:
> "Replaces data and/or metadata of a dumpfile with md5 hashes" ....
> what does that mean? Is this a different kind of 'sanitize' than
> what I had in mind?
Yes, I believe this is not related to the kind of sanitizing you're
looking for. As I understand it, svndumptool's sanitize is for
anonymizing repository contents so as to be able to share a
potentially corrupt repository's dumpfile with the Subversion
developers for them to analyze, without having to disclose
confidential information which may be in your repository.
> If so, is there another way to clean the data so that it can be
> synced properly? Finally, is there a way to guard against svnsync
> failing in the future if such characters find their way into the
> repo at a later date?
What are these problem characters? What is the error message? On what
OS with what versions of Subversion, apr/apr-util, and (if
applicable) Apache?
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Received on 2009-04-28 18:35:17 CEST