Yikes, it seems that this whole scenario is kind of useless given that reintegrate does not work on sparse checkouts.
Is that really a necessary precondition? Can't there be an --i-really-mean-it-and-i-know-full-well-what-i-am-doing override?
It seems to me that reintegrating into a sparse checkout can be a very valuable feature. Pretty please?
> Hello,
> I am having some problems with merges and am not sure if this is a bug or not. Server is 1.6.1, client is 1.6.1:
> Repository looks like this:
> trunk
> - project1
> - project2
> ... etc ...
> branches
> ... etc ...
> Now, let's say I only care about projects 3 and 5. So I:
> svn co svn+ssh://server/repo/trunk --depth empty
> svn up trunk/project3
> svn up trunk/project5
> Now, I want to create a private branch. So I:
> cd trunk
> svn cp -m "Create branch" ^/trunk ^/branches/myBranch
> svn switch ^/branches/myBranch
> Now, after some time, I want to merge from trunk, so I:
> svn merge --depth=infinity ^/trunk
> However, now I see a bunch of tree conflicts on some of the other projects that were not part of my checkout - and the merge takes _forever_.
> Is this normal? I would expect the merge to ignore the folders I have not checked out. And why is this taking so long (taking 100% CPU on the server)? The repository I am using is quite large - but the sections I actually checked out are not.
> Note that I actually DO want a sparse checkout of trunk, as I want to be able to create a branch and commit to my projects atomically.
> Thanks!
> SVN Merger.
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Received on 2009-04-24 21:48:15 CEST