Re: @REV vs -r REV
From: Andrey Repin <>
Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2009 03:26:29 +0400
Greetings, Victoria Muntean!
> I discovered that @REV and -r REV, when used in 'svn cat', produce
Not always synonym. In most basic operations it is, but imagine situation
Rev 1: add file1
A bit messy operations, you see.
file1, despite being in repository at every point, in fact originating
The file2 was first known as file1_at_1, killed in @2, resurrected in @3, again
> What is the explanation of their differences ?
The @PEG syntax is, basically, points to the object ancestry. It's that
However, I just found an issue...
[]$svn cat -r HEAD http://svn.darkdragon/repos/trunk/file1@22
I know it's there...
I've copied it myself... by my own hands.
[]$svn cat -r 24 http://svn.darkdragon/repos/trunk/file1@22
[]$svn cat -r 23 http://svn.darkdragon/repos/trunk/file1@22
[]$svn cat -r 22 http://svn.darkdragon/repos/trunk/file1@22 (initial import)
[]$svn cat -r 22 http://svn.darkdragon/repos/trunk/file2@25
Why SVN can't see it in @25? And how can I discover, what's happened to it?
-- WBR, Andrey Repin ( 21.04.2009, <2:25> Sorry for my terrible english... ------------------------------------------------------ To unsubscribe from this discussion, e-mail: [].Received on 2009-04-21 01:31:08 CEST |
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