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Re: Re[2]: Performance of SVN on Windows and Linux

From: David Weintraub <qazwart_at_gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2009 12:43:11 -0400

On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 11:33 AM, Andrey Repin <anrdaemon_at_freemail.ru> wrote:
> It seems your imagination of Virus scanning schemes a bit outdated... Like, 8
> years old.
> Normal monitoring antivirus scan each file only once - at the creation or
> modification. And that does not take long time for single file.
> Then it forget about it. Reading from file, executing it will
> never trigger a scan unless you specifically told to do so, or other, non
> FS-related issues arise in process (Memory access to the different process,
> IRQ table manipulation, etc).

As others pointed out, I did mention this happened on checkout and not
update which are much faster. As others have pointed out, you can
exclude your working directory from the virus scanner -- if your
company permits it -- and that will take care of some of the problems.

However, Windows is still slower at gathering a bunch of files over a
network, and Windows takes more machine resources than Linux does.
This doesn't make Windows a bad OS. It's simply different.

Windows is a popular corporate environment because it is much easier
(and thus cheaper) to administer than Linux. Also, most PC hardware is
Windows compatible, but not necessarily Linux compatible. Besides,
when you buy a computer, it's most likely to come with Windows, so you
don't even have to install an OS. And, most corporate software is
currently Windows oriented.

However, if I am doing development which is not Windows specific, I
prefer Linux or Mac OS X over Windows. Even without the antivirus
software, I find Windows to be a slower and more difficult development
environment. Besides, most of my favorite tools (Eclipse, Java,
Python, Perl, PHP, Apache) already come installed on both Linux and
Mac OS X. I have to download them myself on a Windows system.

David Weintraub
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Received on 2009-04-02 18:44:11 CEST

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