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Want to set up SVN for a web app

From: Theodore H. Smith <delete_at_elfdata.com>
Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2009 14:32:05 +0100

Hi everyone,

So I want to set up SVN for a website. This website has a lot of php,
perl, java, javascript, and swf...

I've never used SVN before. I am really confused as where to start.

We have multiple developers. And each developer mostly is working on
separate projects that "link" together. Does that mean I need multiple

Also, we cannot make the entire website into the svn repository,
because there are hundreds of thousands of user generated files lying

I'm thinking we need multiple repositories.

So, what would our steps be?

1) Install SVN (done)

2) Make repositories for what folders, where? What command do I use?
Will I risk deleting my source code? or what do I do?

Let's say my source code is at /web/theo/
but there are also other source code at /web/fred and another at /web/

what do I do?

And then step 3?

3) How do I work with this thing? What files do I edit, and where? On
my local computer? On the live server? And once my changes are
complete, then what?

As these are web app files, I generally want to edit my files in some
kind of testing area on a server. But I also like to have the files
downloaded to my computer for local editing. I kind of like to freely
switch between the two, not worrying too much as long as I remember
which one (on my computer or on the testing area on the server) is the
most recent, then I can copy them across appropriately.

Also, I tend to do my work by editing the file using Transmit for Mac,
and a plain text editor. This is handy Transmit polls a local copy of
a file downloaded from the server. Once it has found changes, it
uploads the file back to the server! So basically this means Transmit
allows ANY app to edit any file on my server, transparently! No need
to worry about uploading, permissions, paths, passwords or any wierd
stuff. Just edit with my favourite app, and away I go.

Will SVN interfere with that?


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