Re: Want to set up SVN for a web app
From: Theodore H. Smith <>
Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2009 15:44:12 +0100
Hi Guilio,
Here is one question that might help me and be easier for the
OK let's assume I know what VC systems do in general. Maybe not the
Now, when you are developing a desktop app, you normally care about
That makes for a simple model. You test the app locally, and when you
But what about a web app? When the testing is done on the server? In
One, on your hard disk where you are editing the files. Two, on the
How does SVN fit into that? What is the "Best practice" (for someone
I still can't get my head around how a VC, would be set up for a web
I appreciate my original question maybe wasn't so good. And I
Thanks :)
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