Okay, exactly what is the issue:
* Your commit is fine, but the comment is incorrect.
* Your commit is incorrect.
The first one can be changed via the "svn propedit --revprop -r<rev>
svn:log" command. There are two caveats: The first is that you need to
enable to "pre-revprop-change" hook which is disabled by default. You
can't change a revision property without such a hook. The other is
that you must for some strange reason have a working copy. It doesn't
really matter what's in your working copy as long as you have a
working copy. Yes, the "svn propedit --revprop" doesn't change a thing
in the working copy, and the change in the repository takes place
immediately without a commit, but you can't run this command against a
Correcting a bad commit is a bit more problematic because, unless
you're willing to shutdown your Subversion repository and then do a
dump and load, there is no real way to erase a committed revision.
You can back out the change doing a reverse merge, but that will
entail another commit against the already bad one you did before. It
will be enshrined forever in the Subversion repository history that
you did a big goof.
On Sat, Mar 28, 2009 at 2:30 PM, Kynn Jones <kynnjo_at_gmail.com> wrote:
> By mistake, I ran the following command while in the wrong directory:
> svn commit -m 'a lengthy description string'
> This was a big mistake: The directory in question was not even part of the
> project that I thought I was working with! Hence, the lengthy message that
> I passed as the argument to the -m option is wholly inappropriate, and in
> fact misleading. (In addition, a couple of files got committed prematurely
> to the repository, but this is the lesser problem.)
> Is there a straightforward way to undo this mistake, and delete the
> incorrect message?
> I assume the answer is no, since Subversion is designed to "keep
> everything". In this case, what's the best approximation to a full delete
> of this incorrect message?
> TIA!
> Kynn
David Weintraub
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Received on 2009-03-30 19:35:45 CEST