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On 11 Mar 2009, at 19:21, Stefan Sperling <> wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 08:04:25AM +0000, Stephen Connolly wrote:
>> I would be wary of somebody typing merge for different protocols...
> Why? If the repo is the same, who cares?
>> that the hostname resolves to the same ip and the protocols match
>> is
>> IMHO enough
> You don't seem to be using the same internet as I am using.
> In the one I am using, there are things like changes made to DNS,
> NAT, dynamic IPs, DHCP leases that expire, VPN tunnels and ADSL
> links that go down and up, routers that crash or reboot, etc.
> So you have to assume that clients and servers change their
> IP all the time.
maybe, afaik in my Internet given that these are client side checks if
the client right now has the two hostnames resolve *right now* to the
same ip, that coupled with the uuid matching would be sufficient to
ensure you are dealing with the same server
but granted your Internet might have sub-second DNS changes happening
all the time
> The repository has a Universal Unique Identifier.
> That is the primary key we have for each repository.
but repository mirrors can break this assumption
> So we use it as such.
> Any type of URL pointing to that repository is just so users
> can tell the client where to look for the repository.
> The URL itself cannot be used as a primary key.
> Stefan
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