I noticed this using a pre 1.6 version of TortoiseSVN. The repository is has
no elements other than a set of externals. On my working copy I changed one
of the externals to point to a branch instead of the trunk. I added files to
the subdirectory and committed to the branch. I then updated at the root,
which now had new externals, which resulted in a conflict, and overwrote my
change to the externals so that it pointed to the trunk and continued
updating, deleting my local files that were unique to the branch. Especially
troubling were the uncommitted changes to these files, although I was able
to restore from backup. Will the "Detection of tree conflicts" feature in
1.6 prevent this? If not, I would consider this a bug with a resolution of
stopping an update when a conflict occurs with an external.
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Received on 2009-03-12 21:33:41 CET