i've created this pre-commit.bat hook to check committed .resx files have the svn:needs-lock=* property. it works fine for existing or new files, but not for replaced files (i.e. when you delete a .resx file, and add a new file by the same name, in the same commit). the second svnlook command doesn't produce output for some reason, and the hook fails and prevents the commit. i checked that the new file has the svn:needs-lock property set.
the first svnlook command produces two lines for the file, one for deleting (status D) and one for adding the new file (status A). for example,
D Fantasy.NET/trunk/Fantasy.Presentation/AboutBoxForm.resx
A Fantasy.NET/trunk/Fantasy.Presentation/AboutBoxForm.resx
the bat file:
set REPOS=%1
set TXN=%2
rem check that .resx files have svn:needs-lock property set
set error=0
rem %%A gets status, the implicit %%B gets file path for each line svnlook prints
for /f "usebackq tokens=1,2" %%A in (`"C:\Program Files (x86)\Subversion\bin\svnlook" -t %TXN% changed %REPOS%`) do (
if not %%A == D (
rem %%~xB extracts the extension from the path
if %%~xB == .resx (
for /f "usebackq tokens=1" %%C in (`"C:\Program Files (x86)\Subversion\bin\svnlook" -t %TXN% propget %REPOS% svn:needs-lock %%B 2^>^&1`) do (
if not %%C == * (
rem echo to stderr
echo %%B should have a svn:needs-lock=* property >&2
set error=1
if not %error% == 0 (
echo Goto TortoiseSVN settings ^> Edit button, add the following line to [auto-props]: >&2
echo *.resx = svn:needs-lock >&2
echo and make sure you set >&2
echo enable-auto-props = yes >&2
exit /b 1
The day Micro$oft sells something that doesn't SUCK
is the day they start selling vacuum cleaners.
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Received on 2009-03-11 09:43:05 CET