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Access/Connection logging

From: <petesea_at_bigfoot.com>
Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2009 10:47:31 -0800 (PST)

Is there any way, either via a hook script or some other method to
generate a connection log that includes at least the repository being

I manage an SVN server with around 70 repositories that are all accessed
via svn+ssh:// (http:// isn't an option for us right now). I have logging
(via SSHD) that shows who connected and from where, but I can't see which
repository they're accessing or what command they're trying to run.

Looking at the available hook scripts I don't see one that would be called
regardless of the command the user is running. Are there any "hidden"
hook scripts that would be called whenever any command is run?

Or is there another way to figure out at least which repository a person
is accessing (and a bonus... which command)?

I do have a script in between SSHD and SVN, but all it really does is exec
"svnserve -t -r /svn/repos". Before exec'ing I can log where the
connection came from (host/ip) and by who, but don't know which repository
they're accessing.

The main reason for this is so we can measure activity on the various
repositories to determine if particular ones are being used or not. We
can't simply look at when the last commit was because some repositories
are checked out from, but not actively being changed.

Another reason is so we can determine times of low activity for doing
maintenance... the repositories are accessed all over the world, so the
"low activity" time-frame can be different for each repository.


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Received on 2009-02-17 19:50:28 CET

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