Moving FreeBSD to a new server
From: Paul Klepac <>
Date: Fri, 6 Feb 2009 15:56:15 -0800
I'm new to UNIX but I've been given the task of moving our existing
to a new server. Basically what is going on is that our existing
server is starting to have some disk problems and so we want to build a
(install FreeBSD, Apache, and SVN) and move the Berkeley Database.
So as I understand it, I need to install:
* FreeBSD OS: 7.1-RELEASE-i386-disc1.iso
* Apache version 2.2.x : httpd-2.2.11.tar.gz
o Double-click on the Apache2 installer
o Test the installation: http://localhost/ (a preconfigured website
* Subversion (this is the part I'm not sure about)
o Go to
Click on "Download this directory in tarball
o Which will download subversion.tar.gz & un-tar the files
# tar xvfz subversion.tar.gz
o cd /usr/ports/devel/subversion;
o make install
This will install Subversion & create the BDB
o find the files /httpd/ and
Copy these files to the Apache modules directory
o Copy the file /bin/libdb*.dll and /bin/intl3_svn.dll from the
o Edit Apache's configuration file ( e.g., \Apache
and make the following changes:
Uncomment (remove the '#' mark) the following lines:
#LoadModule dav_fs_module modules/
#LoadModule dav_module modules/
Add the following two lines to the end of the LoadModule section.
LoadModule dav_svn_module modules/
LoadModule authz_svn_module modules/
o At the end of the config file add the following lines:
1. <Location /svn>
This configures Apache so that all your Subversion repositories are
2. Create the passwd file, open the command prompt again, change
Bin/htpasswd -c passwd <username>
This will create a file with the name passwd which is used for
Bin/htpasswd passwd <username>
3. Restart the Apache service again.
4. Point browser to http://MyServer/svn/MyNewRepository (where
Haven't not installed it yet (still waiting for the server to arrive
Can I just copy the database repository directory from the Old SVN
Thanks in Advance,
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