investigating conflict information on the client side
From: <>
Date: Sat, 27 Dec 2008 08:52:32 -0800 (PST)
Good day.
Is there a way to query any and all local .svn directories for information on conflicts svn believes to exist? I've gotten my local repository copy into a pickle, and, rather than simply checking out a fresh copy from the network repository, would like to see if I can learn something of svn administration and fix this locally.
I'm not really sure what happened to the local copy, but I suspect it may have become confused when I panicked (I'm new to subversion) and deleted the .mine, etc., conflict files and just checked out a new copy of a conflicted file. I should have followed the conflict resolution process, but, alas, I did not (next time I will!). I'm wondering now if subversion still retains that conflict state, and how I can a) get at it, and b) hopefully correct it.
Another way to phrase my question is: when a conflict occurs upon update, does svn create client side state over and above the .mine, etc., files? If yes, how can I examine this state?
Thank you.
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