Re: AVN authz crashes
From: Karl M. Davis <>
Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 08:47:12 -0700 (MST)
Sorry for the double-posting there-- didn't think my first message had gone through. Anywho, I got some help from #apache channel and managed to get backtraces for these segfaults. It actually looks like it's an issue with modauthkerb. I posted on the modauthkerb-help list here:
One thing I find interesting is that from the backtraces, it seems modauthkerb is being called over and over for each file of a given checkout: it always fails at a different point in the checkout operation and I see a lot of init_creds and destroy_creds calls in those backtraces. If this is an intermittent problem with modauthkerb or libkerb it might be mitigated quite a bit if they were only called once per checkout/update operation...
Best regards,
----- Original Message -----
This one has me thoroughly confused:
The SVN client dumps out with the following error:
In my Apache logs all I get is:
My statistically insignificant tests just now put this error at occurring 5 out of 8 attempts when authz is enabled.
Does anyone have any idea what might be causing this or (more importantly) how to fix it?
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