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RE: CollabNet SVN installers

From: Bob Archer <Bob.Archer_at_amsi.com>
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2009 13:09:52 -0500

OK a couple of things here.


1. If you want to install to a client but not install Apache you
can do that. Just deselect the Apache component. You must leave svnserve
selected or basically nothing is installed. However, on the very next
panel tell it to NOT set up svnserve as a Windows service. This will
basically be the same as the client install but you will get the
svnadmin, svnserver, etc exes.
2. It sounds like you are installing an upgrade which the Apache is
greyed out. This is what I see to when I do an upgrade. But, even
thought it appears to be checked it is disabled and will not be


So, basically using the server install as I described above in item 1
will get you what you are asking for (other than making the client
install bigger)






From: Michael Cowperthwaite [mailto:mikec_at_lathropengineering.com]
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2009 12:29 PM
To: users_at_subversion.tigris.org
Subject: CollabNet SVN installers


There seem to have been multiple changes over the past few releases to
the capability of the server install package from CollabNet, and I'm
finding them problematic.


I'm not going back and trying to reinstall all the previous 1.5
versions, so I may be misremembering here, but my recollection here is
that the server install package used to be able to install the client
programs without having to install the actual server; if you cleared
both option checkboxes, you'd still get the client installed. That no
longer is the case. If I want a client-only install (typical for users)
I now have to download both the server and client installers.


Further, the client-only install doesn't include binaries like svnadmin.
An advanced user who may have need for svnadmin needs to install the
server (or, of course, just copy the binary over from a server's
installation directory).


The newer change I'm seeing with 1.5.5: we're using svnserve here. It
used to be that the option checkboxes allowed me to turn off the Apache
option. Right now, when I try to install 1.5.5, the Apache checkbox is
checked but disabled. I don't want Apache installed.


I would like to see the Server installer (1) install client anyway even
if the server is disabled and (2) stop forcing me into selections I
don't want.


I would like to see the Client installer include an option for
"advanced" binaries, specifically svnadmin but I guess there are a few
others as well.



Michael Cowperthwaite

Senior Software Engineer

Lathrop Engineering

San Jose, California USA

+1-408-260-2111 x116



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