Ryan Schmidt, Jan Hendrik,
Thanks for this information, this example works fine with me.
2009/1/6 Ryan Schmidt <subversion-2009a_at_ryandesign.com>
> On Jan 6, 2009, at 15:07, Andy Levy wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 16:03, Roberto Lima wrote:
>> Ok, can you tell me how do I get the stdout of svn in php with regular
>>> expression and return to me?
>> I'm not a PHP programmer.
>> You may not even need a full regular expression, just use a string
>> replace function to replace \n with <br />
> The php function for that task is called nl2br(). For output to a web page,
> you will also want to run htmlspecialchars() over the plain text. For
> example, you might want:
> <?php
> $cmd = 'svn update /path/to/workingcopy --non-interactive 2>&1';
> $output = array();
> $error_code = 0;
> exec($cmd, $output, $error_code);
> if ($error_code) {
> echo "Error $error_code occurred<br />\n";
> }
> echo nl2br(htmlspecialchars(implode("\n", $output))) . "\n";
> ?>
> Note that this will not produce any output until after the svn command is
> completely done running. If you're trying to use this as a progress display,
> and you want to see the filenames output as Subversion is updating them,
> you'll need to use proc_open(), a much more complicated method of
> interacting with processes.
> http://php.net/proc-open
> You should probably ask any further php questions in a php support forum
> and not here.
Received on 2009-01-07 16:59:02 CET