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Search, Search Engine and properties

From: Ilan Yaniv <Ilan.Yaniv_at_timetoknow.org>
Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2008 16:45:52 +0200

Hi All,

In my company we are developing lots of assets, it is NOT code.
We have lots of Giga's of animations, graphics etc.

There are many tools out there for content management tools, but since
that we also develops code, I want that the company will use SVN for
assets too.

I offered to use the SVN properties to add metadata for each file.

Today, if a user is searching for a yellow flower tool, he needs to have
folder path like: nature\flower\color\yellow.
I want to have: yellow and flower as properties for the file.

The thing is that I will have to run a search for yellow flower on all
assets properties (and there are hundred of thousands of files) it will
take me hours to find a file.
If I had database search, the search will be much faster, but this is
not possible with SVN.

1) What should I do, maybe SVN is not the tool that I am looking
2) Does SVN have search engine?
3) Does SVN have search engine for properties?
4) Does SVN have a caching mechanism?
5) Does SVN have a caching mechanism for properties?
6) Is there a third party tool (maybe DB) that I can have indexing
ability to search for files?

I guess that this list of questions is enough for now, isn't it?

Ilan Yaniv
Configuration Management
Phone: 03-7534333 ext. 5873


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