Hi Stefan,
thanks a lot for your reply.
You wrote --
Subversion caches *one* set of credentials per authentication realm,
the name of which is defined in the server config file. So you can only
replace credentials by deleting the cache file for the realm, which
Subversion to ask for (potentially new) credentials again.
The problem we face is as follows --
Our application doesn't write out cached credentials. That's because
it is configured to only using the callback mechanism for
athenticating. So, the question boils down to: is there a call that we
can use in order to trigger the SVN callback mechanism for
authentication. We then would pass in a different set of credentials,
which previously got entered through the our app's UI.
As I understand your mail, SVN would "potentially" come back and ask
us for credentials. We would prefer a definite mechanism to trigger
the authentication callback.
Hopefully, it's become more clear now. We could also go into direct
mail contact, if you'd like.
Am 15.12.2008 um 20:03 schrieb Stefan Sperling:
> On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 11:09:11AM +0100, Götz Reyher wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Reposting this mail to the users mailing list.
>> I've got a question concerning the switching of user credentials
>> (username and / or password) that successfully authenticated on a
>> Subversion working copy. Our users are given the possibility to
>> choose
>> different credentials via a dedicated client UI. The question is if
>> there's a way to trigger Subversion's authentication callback
>> mechanism via an API call and tell Subversion to use the new
>> credentials instead of the old ones? I've tried out lot of stuff, but
>> apparently didn't find the right way of doing this. The application
>> does not write the credentials to the local disk (/auth/...). So
>> every
>> authentication only works through the callback mechanism.
>> Thanks a lot for your help.
> I'm not exactly sure I understand what you are trying to achieve,
> but what comes to my mind is:
> Subversion caches *one* set of credentials per authentication realm,
> the name of which is defined in the server config file.
> So you can only replace credentials by deleting the cache file
> for the realm, which causes Subversion to ask for (potentially
> new) credentials again.
> If you want to switch between multiple sets of credentials without
> having to type them all over again every time, the only solution
> I can think of is having a script that swaps cache files behind
> Subversion's back. Not pretty, but all you can do with the current
> auth caching implementation, I guess.
> Stefan
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Received on 2008-12-16 17:23:22 CET