On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 18:01, David Weintraub <qazwart_at_gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm attempting to get this running on my machine. This is a dual core
> Pentium with a gigabyte of memory. Checking out in Subversion via
> Eclipse Ganymede using the most recent copy of Subclipse and running
> SVNkit took almost 13 minutes.
> A similar task on Linux via the command line takes about five.
> However, checking out from CVS was not much faster. It took about 10
> minutes. This is a big project (probably too big).
What do you get w/ Windows on the command line, to compare Linux vs.
Windows w/o Eclipse being a factor? Or, try Eclipse/Subclipse on Linux
to compare with Windows/Eclipse/Subclipse. Either way, it sounds like
you're making good progress against the claims that these developers
are making about SVN.
Is it possible to break the project down into smaller chunks to check
out? Granted, you can't *stop* the developers from checking out "too
much", but you can at least offer them alternatives to get things done
OTOH, how frequently do they *really* need to be checking out a full
WC in the first place?
> I've tried a merge, and Eclipse crashed (probably needs more memory
> for its Java process. I'm attempting to try again.
> What I am trying to find out is who uses Windows XP/Eclipse/Subversion
> combination and whether they also have performance issues. Do you use
> Subversive or Subclipse? Do you use SVNKit or JavaHL (which doesn't
> seem available on my installation)?
It's been so long since I set up Eclipse & Subversion that I've
forgotten what I'm using - probably whatever the default is. I haven't
had a chance yet to run a checkout w/ Eclipse & the command line for
my project to see if there's a significant difference.
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Received on 2008-12-11 02:43:02 CET