2008/12/8 <hweemiin_at_hotmail.com>:
> Example:
> projectB -depend-on-> projectA
> projectC -depend-on-> projectA
> projectD -depend-on-> projectA, projectB, projectC
> IMHO, I'm thinking of adding a new "recursive level" option in the externals property might help, for
> the example above, in externals properties of projectD we specify the "recursive level" of projectA,
> projectB, projectC to be "0", thus svn will only checkout projectA, projectB and projectC, and will
> not checkout externals properties of projectB and projectC, thus we will have only 1 copy of
> projectA. I would like to gather more opinions on this before I decide to try to work on patch for this
> option.
I don't really understand how Subversion would be able to help you. If
it simply ignores the svn:externals to projectA when checking out
projectB (e.g.) then how does projectB's build (or whatever is
appropriate in your environment) know where to find projectA? It would
be somewhere under projectC and projectD but how would projectB's
build know this?
Each project would expect its dependencies in specific places, you
can't just remove those, can you?
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Received on 2008-12-10 01:43:16 CET