Hi Ryan,
Transcript is
First I execute:
<user_home> svn co <url_to_trunk>/prj_name
After this completes, I execute
<user_home>svn info | grep URL
I see this
URL: https://<host_name>/<path_to_prj>/trunk/<prj_name>
The I execute this command
<user_home>svn switch
After this completes, I execute
<user_home>svn info | grep URL
I see this
URL: https://<host_name>/<path_to_prj>/<https://<host_name>/<path_to_prj>/trunk/<prj_name>>
/<branch1>/<prj_name> <https://<host_name>/<path_to_prj>/trunk/<prj_name>>
Which is miraculously correct. I just do not understand now, why it did not
work earlir? :(
The OS version I am using is
Linux 2.4.21-47.EL #1 Wed Jul 5 20:39:00 EDT 2006 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux
On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 11:41 AM, Ryan Schmidt <
subversion-2008c_at_ryandesign.com> wrote:
> On Sep 12, 2008, at 04:14, N D wrote:
> i have code from trunk
>> i execute svn info | grep URL and i see that it points to trunk
>> i then do a svn switch <url_to_branch>, it gets the code giving A U C G
>> information on the files, as the case is.
>> again i execute svn info | grep URL, and again i see that it still points
>> to the trunk, i expect that the svn info will tell this time that it is
>> pointing to trunk
>> can any comment/add/help?
> Could you show us a transcript instead of prose? I would have expected this
> to work as well. Also tell us what OS you're on and what version of
> Subversion you have.
Received on 2008-09-12 11:58:09 CEST