Thanks for your help.
I tried your hints but I'm still not getting anything. I'm assuming
the errors will appear during the commit process on the client,
however I have seen no errors. I don't think that subversion is even
trying to execute it... I've set the chmod to 777, and it still won't
Anything else I can try?
On Sun, Aug 24, 2008 at 9:08 PM, David Weintraub <> wrote:
> A couple of hints:
> Hooks only print out information if:
> 1). The information is sent to STDERR and not STDOUT
> 2). If the hook itself fails (that is the exit code is not zero)
> If you want to see if your hook is working, cause it to fail with an
> exit code of "2" and print to STDERR. I'm not a Python person, but it
> would be something like this:
> import sys
> print >> sys.stderr, "this is a test"
> call( "svn", "update", "--non-interactive", "/srv/http/website" )
> exit 2
> --
> David Weintraub
> On Sun, Aug 24, 2008 at 5:33 PM, Robert Dailey <> wrote:
>> I'm trying to create a post-commit hook using python, but it isn't
>> working. I can't tell where it is failing, either, as I"m not sure if
>> any logging is taking place somewhere. Can someone tell me if there
>> are any error logs somewhere I can look at? Also, is there anything
>> obviously wrong with my script? Thanks. The filename is "post-commit",
>> by the way.
>> #!/usr/bin/python
>> #REPOS="$1"
>> #REV="$2"
>> "$REPOS" "$REV"
>> --repository "$REPOS" --revision "$REV"
>> #svn update --non-interactive /srv/http/website
>> #chown -R :svn_group /srv/http
>> #chmod -R 774 /srv/http/website
>> import sys
>> from subprocess import call
>> REPOS = sys.argv[1]
>> REV = sys.argv[2]
>> print "This is a test"
>> call( "svn", "update", "--non-interactive", "/srv/http/website" )
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