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does vendor branch processing take advantage of repo history?

From: Robert P. J. Day <rpjday_at_crashcourse.ca>
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2008 07:32:31 -0400

   i'm not sure i even know what i'm about to ask here but, what the
heck, let's give it a shot. i'm wondering if there's a processing
advantage to handling vendor branches when the vendor is also using

   consider the explanation of how to handle vendor branches here:


clearly, in that example, the author wants to merge the difference
between the vendor's versions 5.5.0 and 5.5.7. but because the vendor
(apparently) isn't using subversion, the author downloads the pristine
source code corresponding to those two versions, checks both into a
subversion repo, and uses those as the basis for the vendor branch
merge. so far, so good, and it should clearly work (barring have to
deal with any conflicts).

   but since those checkins are from pristine source code (versions
5.5.0 and 5.5.7), there will clearly not be any repository history
showing how the vendor got from one to the other, and the subsequent
merge can work only with a straight textual diff between those two
checkins. am i making sense so far?

   however, imagine the vendor was using also subversion, and you had
(read-only, of course) access to their source code repos. obviously,
you can skip all that un-tarring and checking in on *your* end, and
just merge directly against the two versions in your vendor's

   would that represent any advantage? since, in the second case, you
not only have the contents of the two trees, but you (theoretically)
have access to all of the repository history of how the vendor got
from the first version to the second. does that make any difference
to the merge operation?


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Received on 2008-08-22 13:32:55 CEST

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