Concerning Re: Required reqistration
Karl Fogel wrote on 8 Aug 2008, 10:54, at least in part:
> Anyone is free to build binaries from Subversion's source, and to
> distribute those binaries any way they want (including with
> registration). I'm glad CollabNet is making these binaries available,
> but they're not any more "official" than any other binary someone
> chooses to make. You could make binaries too, and they'd be just as
> legitimate as the ones CollabNet is making!
what about this "certified" business? In my humble understanding
before long any request on this list or other places which has a
buggy smell will be put down until the poster confirms it with the
binaries from CollabNet. Just because any binary, at Tigris or
elsewhere, is, well, not certified and in such a manner official and
could just be the buggy reason for any issue. I will gladly be
proven wrong, in the long run ... For it seems like the Windows
installer at Tigris already has become victim of CollabNet's binaries.
Personally I can live quite well with DJH's binaries package (thanks
to him for still providing them!) though from time to time I liked the
installer to get a more recent version of the SVN book in CHM
format, IMHO easier to handle and on resources than PDF, and
more comfortable to use than HTML (e.g. index, search) as found
What bothers me with the CollabNet binaries even more than the
registration (and almost always registration is followed by spam of
some sort) is them forcing the use of particular versions of Apache
and Python and probably other stuff. But I don't want to change
from the binaries to ActivePython, nor do I like being
pressed into changing to Apache 2.2 at this time. Yet I don't need
just the SVN client, I run a local repository ... That's what I get from
both the CollabNet download & requirements pages and from
comments on this very list, haven't had the time and inclination to
give their binaries an actual test run - that is after a proper HDD
clone to get back onto my feet in the suspected case of mungings
with my Apache & Python setup.
> The registration is their choice, because it's their server. It has
> nothing to do with "open source", except in this sense: it's because
> Subversion is open source that CollabNet (and you, and anyone else)
> has the freedom to make and post binaries.
Certainly. It's only unfortunate for us programmatic greenhorn
users that on Windows one has to throw out 600 bucks or so for
the required compiler and then the hassle with the compiling
business only begins. At this price - and that for the regular
updates following en suite - there are ready-to-use version control
systems out there. And when they require registration I know quite
well they do so to prevent me from using their stuff with four hands -
and for selling me additional maintenance ...
Jan Hendrik
Freedom quote:
The state budget must be balanced.
If the state is not to go bankrupt,
public debts must be cut back,
the arrogance of the officials must be curbed and brought under control,
and payments to foreign governments must be reduced.
-- Marcus Tullius Cicero
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Received on 2008-08-08 18:10:39 CEST