Hi everyone,
I have run a subversion repository on my server for around three years
but unfortunately bricked the latter when I tried to upgrade FC4 to
FC5. To cut a long story short, after backing-up the important data,
the tech guys in the data-centre tried and failed to install CentOS as
the disks were mis-reporting their sizes. I have now got the server
under my desk and have used TestDisk to restore the partition structure
sufficiently so I can read the svn data from it (as getting the data
sent to me from their tape backup would be quite a mission and cost
more £££).
Anyway, I have read the repository data from the disks but have a few
issues with recovering the repository.
The repository is running a BDB database
svnroot/format contains 3
svnroot/db/format contains 1
There are no point-in-time backups of the repository; this is it.
svnadmin --version (on my desktop where I'm trying to access the data)
returns 1.4.4 (r25188)
I've tried to run
svnadmin dump svnroot/db
but receive the following message:
svnadmin: Expected repository format '3' or '5'; found format '1'
I understand one route to solving this issue is to install an earlier
version of subversion. Sadly the server's disks really are so fsck'd
that I haven't been able to get to their svn* binaries to find out
their version, but going by installation date and the format number
'1', I've tried installing and building subversion-1.1.1, but when
svnbin-1.1.1$ ./svnadmin verify ~/svnroot/db
get the message
svn: Expected version '3' of repository; found version '1'
Well... guess I need to go further back in time? Please advise, only
I'm having some "frustrating" ~x( issues compiling earlier sources on
this FC8 machine.
I have located a 1.0.9 binary RPM and run an upgrade using --oldpackage
but also needed to use the --nodeps in order to make it complete
without dependency errors. Of course the binaries wouldn't run so I'm
back at CollabNet 1.4.4.
Any help would be very gratefully received.
PS Who'd have thought that running an off-site SVN repository on a
mirrored RAID disk would be such a liability?
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Received on 2008-08-01 10:15:28 CEST