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RE: Pending commits, anyone ever thought about this feature?

From: Gleason, Todd <tgleason_at_impac.com>
Date: Wed, 2 Jul 2008 09:13:19 -0700

I can tell you that my company would appreciate such a feature. We are likely to choose one of two mechanisms in the shorter term:

1. Something involving a "maintainer":
    a. Possibly automatically performed--can Crucible do this?
    b. Or manually performed.
2. A pre-commit hook that would make sure the commit log references an approved defect.

We would allow all of our developers to commit to certain areas, but to merge changes to "locked down" areas, one of the above would be required.

Pending commits would be even nicer, though naturally they're more prone to fail due to conflicts than both the #2 above and #1b (where you have a human looking at what goes in), but probably equally often with respect to #1a since that's another automated process that would sit for awhile before committing.
-----Original Message-----
From: news [mailto:news_at_ger.gmane.org] On Behalf Of "Andrés G. Aragoneses"
Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2008 5:05 AM
To: users_at_subversion.tigris.org
Subject: Pending commits, anyone ever thought about this feature?

I'm thinking that the following feature would improve the overall
experience for open source projects that use Subversion:

1) Instead of having anonymos read-only access and having a list of
users with write access (committers), everybody can commit.
2) Each subpath of the repository (modules) have a list of users
associated which are marked as maintainers.
3) Every commit is saved as "pending" and sent to the maintainers of the
subpath affected.
4) Maintainers of modules can commit jumping the "pending" phase (direct
5) User accounts are created, not by an admin, but by providing a
username and password (in a commit) that never existed before and the
commit is approved.
6) Subversion admin role is only mark the flag "maintainer" to "user
accounts" and "subpaths".

This way, we obtain the following advantages:

1) The first commits of a novice doesn't get "forged" by a maintainer.
2) Reduce admin efforts.
3) Support a very easy way to manage the review-approve/reject-commit
cycle problem.

So, my questions:

1) Is this already possible with subversion?
2) If yes, how?
3) If not, has anybody already thought about this? Is there a issue open
in the bug tracking tool for it?
4) Has any third-party tool support for this?
4) If not, would it be interesting to implement it? (Would the feature
get committed if contributed?)

Thanks in advance,


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Received on 2008-07-02 18:15:50 CEST

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