Hello Erik (Stephan, Mark, Henrik, Liviu, Ryan)
Herewith a few questions and comments on the thread
"import files preserving timestamps", accessible via:
1. Erik, can you be more explicit about the "new design"
effort which would provide an easy way to support the
preservation/management of timestamp information in
SVN? You say:
"... we're trying to work out a new structure for our
working copy library. The new design should at least
provide an easy way to support this request - not
saying the first incarnation will actually implement it."
- Who is "we" in this sentence?
- Can you provide URIs for the discussion supporting
this new design effort?
2. Can you be more specific about the projected timeframes
for work on the new design, where (you say) "we intend
to rewrite the working copy code"? As you know, user requests
for SVN timestamp preservation support go back to 2001, and
the repeated declarations "maybe later... not yet high
on the developers' priority list" may justifiably be
understood, after all these years, as "perhaps never"
rather than just "not any time soon." You repeat the
declaration here:
"I think Subversion has enough feature requests outstanding
which are generally considered 'more important' than
versioning of timestamps."
3. I agree with Erik that it's "a hairy topic" that needs to
address several use cases, based upon clear articulation
of requirements and features. I have compiled substantial
information about user requests and requirements [1]:
"Once more: Subversion and file modification time (mtime)"
It's a very lengthy memo, describing one use case in some
detail, together with commentary on issue #1256. Excerpts
from many of the 400+ referenced URIs (postings) are provided,
together with a few crude/raw statistics, hastily estimated
-- like, over one hundred (100) different users who have provided
use cases, analysis, design suggestions, sample
patch/workaround code, and other commentary.
For the one use case documented, I am in the same position as
many who have attested that they simply cannot use Subversion
as shipped: I need "mtime" support at many points, including
import/commit, checkout, export, etc.
4. The collected commentary to date reveals (repeatedly) a
watershed difference between "code" assets (e.g., source
code to be used by Make or otherwise compiled into
executable code) and "document" assets. SVN is used
mostly by programmers managing source code, so it's
natural to hear Erik say: "It [timestamp preservation]
complicates the /CODE/ in your VC system." Many of the
use cases referenced by users needing 'mtime control' involve
the use of SVN for documents, where the files to be managed
are often whole entities with independent status -- not
code components to be compiled. Many applications which
use these "document files" depend critically upon knowledge
of the file mtime as a reasonable approximation for
"last time of content modification." It's slightly
disappointing that SVN "code" users who *don't* have this
application need are skeptical about the legitimate
use cases of "document" users.
5. If there's opportunity to contribute further to clarification
of requirements and use cases -- in a design effort
genuinely dedicated to solving this problem in the SVN space
-- I am willing to help.
Robin Cover
[1] the issue is logged here:
My posting of March 13, 2008:
On Sat, Jun 7, 2008 at 2:53 AM, Erik Huelsmann <ehuels_at_gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 7, 2008 at 9:43 AM, Liviu <lab2k1_at_gmail.com> wrote:
>> From: "Erik Huelsmann" Sent: Sat, June 07, 2008 2:25 AM
>>> On Sat, Jun 7, 2008 at 9:22 AM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>>>> On Jun 7, 2008, at 00:22, Mark Reibert wrote:
>>>>> Perhaps there is some other rationale for preserving timestamps with
>>>>> which I am not familiar.
>>>> It is not for the version control system to decide what metadata
>>>> about my files is expendable.
>>> But a portable version control system may also not be in the position
>>> to version your meta data sanely between operating systems: [...]
>> I'd think more OSs support file timestamps than symlinks.
>> It would be up to the particular client to know its platform, and act as
>> sanely as possible within its limitations.
> Right. But nobody was motivated to implement tracking of timestamps
> enough to implement it (whereas someone did for symlinks...). And in
> the current situation - where we intend to rewrite the working copy
> code - I suggest nobody starts that work within the current framework.
> In a previous mail you suggested there are no arguments *not* to
> include versioning of timestamps in your vc system (i believe), but I
> think there are plenty, which is exactly why it hasn't been done. It's
> a hairy topic:
> - Do you also commit a file if the timestamp changes? Some say 'of
> course', others say 'never'
> With which I mean: the feature isn't all that clearly defined and in
> fact may be a request for many different features (supporting many
> different use-cases).
> - It complicates the code in your VC system.
> Complexity is the enemy of stability. You should want the latter to be
> the top priority of your VC.
> - Time spent on developing this feature will reduce time spent on others
> I think Subversion has enough feature requests outstanding which are
> generally considered 'more important' than versioning of timestamps.
> Bye,
> Erik.
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Robin Cover
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Received on 2008-06-07 16:43:59 CEST