R: If you did a reverse merge (from v3 to v2) before editing v2 to get
v4 then you will see v1,2,3,4.
What is the revision number after commiting v4?
If you really need a non-linear editing, you should consider the svn
copy command to branch out.
R: Subversion does allow locking (please read red-bean).
Beware of the terminology: checkout in some VCS means get a copy + lock,
that what you meant I believe. Not with subversion
R: try svn status -h
R: Yes/No depending on: if it is a text file for not. If is a text file:
yes. If it can't, it will set a flag to need to be resolved to warn you.
*Jean-Claude Antonio*
maheshwar singh a écrit :
> Hi,
> to all the Subversion guru's out there.
> I use subversion as a versioning system for all our sales content. The
> content usually includes materials like PPT, PDF, DOC etc.
> I'm running into a few issues and have pasted them here, hoping for a
> response.
> I know subversion is optimised for this workflow, but want to use it
> as manual backups is causing a lot of grief.
> Sorry for the long email
> Q1:
> Does Subversion allow non-linear editing of versions
> create v1 -> put in VMS v1
> edit v1 to make v2 -> put in VMS v2
> edit v2 to make v3 -> put in VMS v3
> realise v3 is a mistake; get v2 from VMS to edit
> so now system looks like: Local version v2 ; VMS version v3
> edit v2 to make v4 (or a new v3 depending on semantics) -> put in VMS
> **after adding to subversion I cannot see this version that I have
> added - where is it? I cannot get it
> if i look at history i see the 3 original versions - there is NO
> version 4 & the version 3 is the original version 3;
> if i say Get Latest Version or get v3 I get the original v3
> Q2.
> How can i lock a file or make other users aware that the file has been
> checked out by User A.
> I know subversion does not allow locking, i'm looking for any
> mechanism available that will warn User 1 that User 2 has checked out
> the file, User 1 can then call User 2 about the changes.
> Q3.
> I delete a file from the local system due to a mistake, is there any
> way i can get a list of objects that exist in the subversion
> repository and not in the local system.
> Q4.
> When 2 users are have requested for latest version of same document
> and working on 2 different changes
> Example in a Sales Revenue report
> User 1 - Add Margin to the report
> User 2 - Add Discount to the report
> Both change are check in at the same time by the respective users.
> Only one user change is reflected and the other user change is lost.
> Is subversion able to resolve the conflict and allow users to Version
> all changes
> thanks
> Maheshwar
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Received on 2008-05-27 10:06:22 CEST