It depends on compile options and whether nls was enabled ... Message
Sent from my iPhone
On Apr 1, 2008, at 4:46 PM, wrote:
> Anyone know why the standard svn 1.4.6 zip file for windows on
> includes the intl3_svn.dll file as a dependency but both the CollabNet
> and VisualSVN Server installers do not have this dependency?
> I noticed TortoiseSVN 1.4 also includes this DLL.
> This wasn't a big issue until I tried to use the standard svn 1.4.6
> perl
> and
> python bindings from on a server with the CollabNet server
> install (instead of the regular apache + svn install).
> This is not a big problem, and I'll probably ask CollabNet support
> anyway,
> but I thought others may have run into similar issues.
> I haven't built svn on Windows, so I'm assuming there is a compile
> time
> difference, but what are the CollabNet and VisualSVN Server versions
> missing by not requiring that dependency?
> Obviously the easiest way to "fix" this is to use all the stuff from
> but I was mainly curious for more information about the Windows build
> process.
> Kevin R.
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Received on 2008-04-01 23:07:40 CEST