Reedick, Andrew wrote:
>> No, you just need to get the lock. Nothing else is going to be able to
>> guess what you are about to do and advise you how to go about it.
> Guess, no. Advise, yes. The most practical time to advise the user
> that their workspace contains 'svn:needs-lock' files is during 'svn co',
> 'svn update' and 'svn status', which SVN does not do at this time. Then
> it's up to the user to grab locks on the files they plan to work on.
> Version control doesn't make money, it saves money. Anything that can
> reduce the knowledge/effort needed to use version control is a good
> thing. In this case, it's probably a good, practical idea for key SVN
> operations to print a simple reminder indicating the presence of
> 'svn:needs-lock' files in the workspace, to help prevent costly
> mistakes.
Remind me here... how did the person who created the file know to set
the needs-lock status in the first place? What if you create a similar
file? How will you know to set the property? If you have people who
don't understand which files can have changes merged easily and which
can't, you will not only have people who don't observe the needs-lock
property, you aren't likely to have it set on the files that need it
anyway - unless the people who edit files don't create new ones. Being
'mergable' or not is really an inherent property of the file type, not
something dictated by the VC so you probably want to get a lock any time
you plan to touch such files whether anyone else remembered to set the
property in the VC or not.
Les Mikesell
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Received on 2008-03-04 18:12:52 CET