thanks for your feedback
So my pre-commit script is a bat file which call a php script file:
here's the bat content:
@echo off
rem pre commit hook script
rem only two parameters are pass to this script: transaction number and
repository folder
rem this bat is run with apache acces right
rem output must be throw to stderr
"D:\php\php.exe" %~dp0pre-commit.php %1 %2
and here the pre-commit.php script content:
* $Id: pre-commit.php 7 2008-02-28 12:47:15Z myuser $
* How does it work?
* Before files commit, we does our controls. if something is wrong, we
have an error and return code is diffrent than 0
* Under windows, the output message must be wrote on STDERR to be display
to client
* @author Matthieu MARY
* errors codes
define('__ERROR_CODE_OK__', 0);
define('__TECHNICAL_ERROR__', 1); // erreur technique
define('__ERROR_CODE_PARSE_ERROR__', 2); // error parsing php file
define('__ERROR_CODE_LOG_MESSAGE_EMPTY__', 3); // error when message is
define('__ERROR_FILES_NOT_ALLOWED__', 4); // error file is not allowed
* controls to do
// does we need to control log message?
define('__CONTROL_COMMIT_MESSAGE__', true);
// does we need to check php parsing validity?
define('__CONTROL_PHP_FILE__', false);
// does we need to check if there is some files not allowed?
define('__CONTROL_NOT_ALLOWED_FILES__', true);
* controls required to
define('__REPOS__', $_SERVER['argv'][1]); // repository path
define('__TXN__', $_SERVER['argv'][2]); // the transaction number
define('__SVN_LOOK_PATH__', 'C:\svn\bin\svnlook.exe'); // full path to
define('__PHP_PATH__', 'D:\php\php.exe'); // full path to php client
* just a class that display error in stderr
class Error
* @ccess public
* @param string $msg the error message
* @param int $code the error code
function Display($msg, $code)
$fp = fopen('php://stderr', 'w');
fwrite($fp, "********** " .$msg." (code d'erreur:
".$code.") **********");
* check if there is all parameters
if ($_SERVER['argc'] != 3) {
Error :: Display("Technical error", __TECHNICAL_ERROR__);
* check the php content
* fetch the file list
* this command run "C:\svn\bin\svnlook.exe" changed -t
1-1 D:\repositories/myproject
$cmd = exec(escapeshellarg(__SVN_LOOK_PATH__)." changed -t
".__TXN__." ".__REPOS__);
if (preg_match_all("/[A-Z]\s+(trunk\/.+php)$/i", $cmd,
$matches)) {
* foreach php file commited
foreach($matches[1] as $file) {
$output = array();
* we fetch the php content of the file in
transaction and parse it with php client
* this command run
"C:\svn\bin\svnlook.exe" cat -t 1-1 "D:\repositories/myproject" "%myfile%"
| "D:\php\php.exe" -l
$cmd = escapeshellarg(__SVN_LOOK_PATH__)."
cat -t ".__TXN__." ".escapeshellarg(__REPOS__)." ".escapeshellarg($file)."
| ".escapeshellarg(__PHP_PATH__)." -l";
$cmd = exec($cmd, $output, $returnVar);
if ($returnVar > 0) {
Error :: Display("Your file $file
contains errors, transaction aborded", $returnVar);
* check some not allowed files
* fetch file list in transaction
* this command run "C:\svn\bin\svnlook.exe" changed -t
1-1 D:\repositories/myproject
$cmd = exec(escapeshellarg(__SVN_LOOK_PATH__)." changed -t
".__TXN__." ".__REPOS__);
* just check files add for the first time
if (!preg_match_all("/[A]\s+([^\s]+)$/i", $cmd, $matches))
$notAllowedFiles = array("/\.project$/",
"/thumbs\.db/i", "/\.svn/", "/.+\.log$/","/.+\.bak$/",
* foreach file add
foreach($matches[1] as $file) {
foreach($notAllowedFiles as
$currentPattern) {
* if file is not allowed
if (preg_match($currentPattern,
$file)) {
Error :: Display("You try
to add some files not allowed($currentPattern)",
* check if we have a message in transaction
* This command run "C:\svn\bin\svnlook.exe" log -t 1-1
$cmd = trim(exec(escapeshellarg(__SVN_LOOK_PATH__)." log
-t ".__TXN__." ".__REPOS__));
if (!preg_match("/[a-zA-Z0-9]+/", $cmd, $matches))
Error :: Display("You should set a message in your
Hope this code won't be too much hard to understand for non php users.
But I'm not sure that is a pre-commit script problem because I'have made
the same thing this morning in same circumstancies (initial import on
trunk folder) for a new repository project, and this time, I had no error
(error always happened for the repository that gave me error).
Best regards,
28/02/2008 23:22
Matthieu MARY
Re: svnlook log doesn't return message
On Feb 28, 2008, at 09:56, matthieu.mary_at_externe.bnpparibas.com wrote:
> [Thu Feb 28 16:09:05 2008] [error] [client] 'pre-
> commit' hook failed with error output:\n********** You should set
> a log message (error code: 3) ********** [409, #165001]
> Could you help me please? There something I don't understand, but
> don't know why and have look for solution in ressources without
> succes.
If you're absolutely sure you're specifying a log message, then it
sounds like a problem in your pre-commit hook script. So you'll have
to show us your pre-commit hook script so we can help you debug it.
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Received on 2008-02-29 10:13:51 CET