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configuration file for access right in svnparentpath repositories template

From: <matthieu.mary_at_externe.bnpparibas.com>
Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2008 14:08:08 +0100

Hello everybody,

I'm sorry but there is something I don't understand while access rights
administration on some repositories based on the svnparent template.
First, is there a way to have only one autz password file?
We will manage more than 100 repositories, and each repository will have a
same way to be managed:

@* =
@admin = rw



@admin = rw

Is there a way to set up easily theses access right only one time, without
do it for each repository?
I was thinking set specific acces right on each repository with a user
group call with the repository's name, and set something like that:

@repository = user1, user2
@admin = user3, user4

@* = r
@admin = rw
@repository = rw

@repository = rw

@repository = r

@admin = rw
@repository =rw

So is there a way to set up easily configuration for my repositories ?
Or perhaps do you have another way to see how I can manage access rights?

We work on windows, subversion 1.4.

Best regards,


PS: please accept my apologies for my english

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