Given that branches are "free", my practice is simply to branch right
near the root of the repository. Much of the branch isn't needed, but
it doesn't cost anything. The part that isn't needed won't change, so
it takes no extra space to speak of.
Don't bother deleting what you don't need, you're (1) wasting time, and
(2) wasting space -- because it takes more space to record the deletion
than to leave things alone.
This is one place where you really need to unlearn your CVS lessons --
CVS branching is very very bad while Subversion does this right and very
> -----Original Message-----
> From: marc gonzalez-carnicer []
> Sent: Friday, January 25, 2008 9:24 PM
> To: claudia logan
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Best practices rookie question.
> hi,
> 2008/1/26, claudia logan <>:
> > Question 1: Using TortoiseSVN, How do I create a branch
> where only 3 of the
> > 5 directories are branched. what are the best practices.
> What I have done
> > is branched the complete trunk then remove what I dont
> need. But that seems
> > counterproductive. I updated the repository twice when
> there was no need.
> i would not remove after branching. if you merge back to trunk, the
> removed items will be removed.
> >
> > Question 1b: related to above, but instead of folders,
> individual files. I
> > may need 5 documents out of 10. All located in the same
> area. How do I tag
> > only what I need, leaving the rest?
> it seems you haven't remarked yet that copying (branching) is
> 'cheap', i.e., it
> does not take up disk space. otherwise, i don't see why you
> would want to
> tag some subset of the files.
> if you really need to release a subset of documents, what i'd do is :
> * create a release/export folder on the repo
> * svn copy there the needed files
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Received on 2008-01-26 03:35:42 CET