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Re: How to approximate offline mode?

From: John Peacock <john.peacock_at_havurah-software.org>
Date: 2007-12-02 00:00:44 CET

Christian Convey wrote:
> How do people work around this with SVN? (In case it matters, all
> computers involved are running Linux.)

As already mentioned, this is solved quite efficiently with SVK, which I've been
using in precisely this manner for several years now (4?). There are a couple
of constraints you need to know about, though:

1) You need to keep a mirror of the remote repository on your disk (whether that
is a full mirror of the entire history or just a mirror starting at some
specific point in time is your choice);

2) The mirror and your local branches exist in a standard Subversion repository
that is stored on your local machine (which is additional storage requirements
on your local disk);

3) By and large, merging to and from the mirror is automated (apart from the
unsolvable conflicts, which are not unique), but one thing that can cause
confusion is if the remote mirror has a revision where a file both moves and is
modified (though it is not impossible to recover from this by replicating the
move on your local branch, merge from the mirror, and accept the remote version
when the conflict pops up);

4) SVK is a collection of Perl modules that have a lot of dependencies (though
if you are Mac person there is a prebuilt package).

Good luck...


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Received on Sun Dec 2 00:01:06 2007

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