John Peacock <> wrote:
> If I could quote Andy from an earlier message:
>> The source for the hook-handling code in Subversion only
>> looks for .exe, .cmd and .bat. Windows is able to execute these
>> directly, without an add-on interpreter, so it can call them
>> directly. Windows doesn't have an execute bit on file permissions
>> like *NIX does.
> To elaborate on what he was saying:
> the Subversion server is not a console application and Windows only
> supports *directly* executing those file types he listed. What you
> are talking about (PATHEXT) is strictly the *console* support and is
> outside of what Subversion currently is capable of doing. It has
> nothing to do with "follow[ing] the same rules as the rest of
> [W]indows" and everything to do with the way M$oft chose to partition
> certain features to the shell/console layer.
Did you mean shell rather than console? The PATHEXT handling is part of
the shell and it would be misleading to imply that the presence or
absence of a console window had any relevance.
However, I take your point that there isn't an easy way to find an
executable without either invoking the shell or duplicating the
undocumented code it contains.
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Received on Fri Nov 16 09:24:42 2007