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Re: Modify a directory

From: Ulrich Eckhardt <eckhardt_at_satorlaser.com>
Date: 2007-11-06 14:08:09 CET

On Tuesday 06 November 2007, Matthias Junker wrote:
> a very stupid question: is it possible that a directory is modified in
> subversion? i mean a rename, copy or move is handled as add/delete
> actions. so is there anything i missed, or should i really only see "A"
> and "D" in the "log -v" of a directory and never "M"?

Hmmm, it should be a copy, followed by a delete within the same revision.
However, to answer your question, this is an implementation detail and the
same for files and directories. The log basically says that the old location
ceased to exist while the new location started to exist. It shouldn't matter
though, the history is retained nonetheless, the copy knows "where it came


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Received on Tue Nov 6 14:08:42 2007

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