Matthieu Moy wrote:
> BRM <> writes:
>> Given that SVN is inherently different from CVS in its tagging
>> mechanism (and no amount of discussion is going to convince the devs
>> others - see the archives and you'll see what I mean), why not set up a
>> branch that students can submit their work to instead?
> Well, the problem is that we're trying to minimize the number of
> concepts the students will have to learn. "Branch" is still an
> advanced concept that I'd rather avoid.
> Well, since "branch" and "tag" are the same in SVN, it doesn't change
> much.
> Just to make sure I understand your proposal : In the flow you
> suggest, the students would run "switch" and then "merge"?
The difference between tags and branches in svn is simply a convention
that you don't commit to tags. However, since you don't really want to
enforce a freeze after the initial copy, you can just call it something
more appropriate like your ../submit/.. path. After the copy, the
student could switch there and continue to commit changes up to the
Les Mikesell
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Received on Tue Oct 30 20:21:54 2007