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merging best practices question

From: Reid Priedhorsky <reid_at_umn.edu>
Date: 2007-10-04 02:27:45 CEST

Hi folks,

I'm wondering the best practices in the following merge scenario. We are
using the svnmerge.py script for merge tracking.

Our arrangement is as follows:

1. We have two branches, trunk and branch.
2. The lead developer works on trunk and periodically merges from
branch. He reviews the merged code and almost always makes changes
before committing.
3. branch is "owned" by Developer B. He periodically merges from the trunk.
    a. Usually, the desired result after such a merge is that trunk and
branch are identical.
    b. Rarely, B merges only a few cherry-picked changes.

The problem we are running into is that because the lead developer
usually modifies merged code before committing it to the trunk,
operation 3a results in a lot of conflicts, and sometimes conflicts on
top of conflicts.

I am seeking advice on how to make 3a go more smoothly. Some options
we've come up with:

1. Write a script to wander through the WD and resolve all the conflicts
in favor of the trunk version.
      a. must figure out the logic and write a script.

2. svn rm /branches/branch
    svn cp /trunk /branches/branch
      a. two commits when one would do
      b. copies merge tracking info to branch, where it's bogus.
      c. not sure it won't cause weirdness in branch WD

Other ideas? Comments? Any other advice?

Many thanks,


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Received on Thu Oct 4 02:28:15 2007

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